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Saturday 2 April 2016

Who Is Deematic?

I take pride in using this platform to shine the spotlight on upcoming, talented artistes who don’t really get the chance to go mainstream because they haven’t reached 'superstar status'. These guys are the future, and we will all be talking about them soon enough. One of such acts is Deematic. This extremely talented artiste is new to the game, but is well on his way to super-stardom. His fan base is already growing, and his style of music is catching on like wildfire. Let’s get familiar.
How did you begin your career in music?
Deematic: I used to follow up on artistes like Obrafour, Sarkodie, E.L and P-Square. I would learn all their music word for word. I soon realised I could write my own songs. At that point, I thought I should give it a shot. So, I wrote a lot of songs and went to the studio to record. I was amazed at how naturally it all came to me. It was like I was meant to do this. I honestly can’t picture myself doing anything else.
What are some of the challenges you face as an upcoming artiste?
Deematic: It’s really difficult to be an upcoming artiste if you don’t have the proper support. Money is the biggest issue. Recording tracks is really expensive these days. Sometimes, I have to run out of school and work to get money for my recording. Another issue is getting support from people in the industry. There are a lot of people that can help, but simply won’t. It’s a dog eat dog industry and everyone is hungry. However, I knew what I was getting myself into, so I’m not discouraged. This is the part I have to pay my dues and keep pushing for my dreams. I know how talented I am, and believe in my product. I must overcome all these obstacles. All the people I look up to went through the same thing. Nobody had it easy.
With so much competition out there, where do you fit in with your brand?
Deematic: Hip-hop is my thing, but I’m very versatile in other categories. I believe it’s important to be as versatile as you can be. That can be the secret to being successful. A well-rounded artiste has a better chance of making it big than someone who only does one genre of music. I know there is a lot of competition out there, but I believe in what I’m doing. Branding is important, and I’m working hard to get that right. It’s not just about talent these days. It’s much more complicated than that. The funny thing is, there are a lot of artistes out there who are successful, but have no talent. It’s also about being business-savvy. I have taken all these things into consideration.
What do you hope to achieve through your music? Fame? Money?
Deematic:  All of the above because I believe they all usually go hand-in-hand. If you play your cards right, the success will lead to fame and the fame will lead to money. What truly fuels my career is my passion for music. Passion is the driving force of any serious artiste. The other stuff is just the perks of the job. Those things are inevitable once you know what you’re doing, and your head is screwed on well as an artiste.
Where do you get inspiration from?
Deematic: I get it from all the artistes I listen to that I mentioned earlier. They all serve as inspiration to me. I listen to them all the time. The trick is not to sound too much like them though. I have to be as original as possible. When you sound too much like other artistes, it ends up going against you. So even though they are my role models, I have my own style.
What do you talk about in your music?
Deematic: I try to spread out my range as much as possible. I talk about everything that concerns the human life. Love, fun, the quest for success, everything! If it takes place in our society, I will talk about it. I’m still young so I haven’t got that much experience, but I do talk about the stuff I have been through. Plus, I also talk about what I see going on around me. There is an infinite amount of topics to choose from, especially in this part of the world.
What advice would you give other upcoming artistes reading this?
Deematic: It’s all about determination. That is the key to success. The road is full of potholes that can make you give up along the way. People you meet might deliberately try to discourage you. The key is to keep pushing no matter what. You need to believe in what you’re doing, and keep your eyes on the prize. It’s all about tunnel vision. Don’t get distracted. Also, remember that most people won’t want to help you. You need to be able to do most of the groundwork yourself. If you keep this in mind, you will be fine. Don’t lose your passion because if you do, that’s it.
What does the future hold for you?
Deematic: I look in the mirror every day and all I see is myself as a winner, and the whole world knowing me as an artiste. There are absolutely no boundaries or barriers. Even the sky is not the limit. I want to become an international sensation, no matter how long it takes. I will not stop till that happens.
A message to your fans?
Deematic: I will like to say a big thank you to all my fans out there, and my new fans who are about to know me. I will never let you down. Remember my name!! God bless!!

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