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Tuesday 17 May 2016

Kanye West Lyrics Used By London Church To Draw People In

London, UK - Kanye West called The Life of Pablo a "Gospel" album and claimed the theme was inspired by the life of the apostle Paul. He also compared himself to Jesus by naming his previous album Yeezus. And now a church in London has replaced the Holy Scriptures with West's lyrics on its promotional billboard.
According to The Telegraph, St. Andrew's Church wrote a lyric from "Only One" on its board in front of the building.
"You're not perfect, but you're not your mistakes," the sign says.
Terry Keens, a 63-year-old volunteer, is responsible for the catchy sayings on the church's lawn to catch the attention of those passing by. She estimates she has posted around 280 quotes for the church.
"I love writing the messages on the boards," she says. "You walk by churches and they have quotes from the Bible and people don’t take any notice. I like to mix it up, it doesn’t matter who said it, it’s about the meaning behind it."
Another saying that has appeared on the sign is "Jesus had two dads and he turned out fine," which is a favorite of vicar Barry Hobson.
"That one was a bit controversial but nevertheless it was a point of discussion," he says.
This isn't the first time a church has utilized Rap to entice people. Last year, Christian City Church in Toronto created a promotional campaign called "For God So Loved The 6," referencing Drake's name for his hometown.

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